About Us

Working with the local

communities of Halton

Moor, Osmondthorpe

and Sutton Park

Our vision is focused on empowerment, so community members can make informed choices to live happier, healthier, and more connected lives in their own community.

We offer support and services to the whole community
Supporting the 60 plus community
Improving people’s health, wellbeing, and environments
Donate Now

HOPE’s main funder for its work/support with its 60 plus community is, Leeds City Council, Adults and Health, Older People’s Commissioning Team. Our core outcomes are:

• Reduction of Social Isolation
• Increased Contribution and Involvement
• Choice and Control
• Wellbeing and healthier life choices

With this in mind, we have developed and continue to develop services and activities that keep these principles at the heart of everything we do.

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Home Visits

Food Pantry



Our purpose

To provide high-quality services for the whole community, to improve people’s health, wellbeing, and environment by working in partnership with our community and our partners/supporters.

Our values

Our community has always been at the heart of everything we do. All our services have been developed as a direct response to the needs of the community and working with them through consultations. As a result, all our services are service user led by local people, for local people. This collaboration has resulted in an empowered HOPE community. Working closely with a wide range of partners and community members has built a strong and diverse network of connections which is continually growing and developing.

Inclusion and Diversity

HOPE is committed to providing opportunities and services for the whole community. These person-centred opportunities and services are about building connections between people and the community they live. HOPE understands the barriers to participation, and we welcome everyone, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.


HOPE has built and strong and trusting relationship since we opened in 1994.  This has been done by leading by example by been and honest and open organisation that is transparent in all its operations. Accountability, professionalism, and confidentiality have aided this trust, and this has resulted in HOPE’s ability to deliver exceptional services.


HOPE understands that not all people have had the same opportunities to grow, develop and become self-determined and empowered. We have made a commitment to identify, support and deliver services that aid the development of new skills, encourage confidence building and a stronger engaged community.

Our Partners

A huge thank you to our supporters and partners who support and enable HOPE to make it a success:
Adult Social Care, Leeds City Council
• Age Friendly Leeds
• Age UK
• Alzheimer’s Leeds
• Big Lottery
• Carers Leeds
• Clinical Commissioning Groups
• Community Anchor Network
• Corpus Christs Catholic Club
• FareShare
• Forum Central
• Halton Library
• Halton Moor Neighbourhood Improvement Partnership (NIP)
• Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB)
• Leeds Bereavement Forum
• Leeds City Council - Ward Councillors
• Leeds City Council – 100% Digital
• Leeds City Council- Inner and Outer East Commitee
• Leeds City Council – Housing Advisory Panel (HAP)
• Leeds City Council – Public Health Resource Centre
• Leeds City Council – Tennant Engagement
• Leeds Community Foundation
• Leeds Culturally Diverse Hub (formally known as BME Hub)
• Leeds Food Aid Network (FAN)
• Leeds LGBT+ Community Consortium
• Leeds Older People’s Forum (LOPF)
• Leeds Playhouse – Community Engagement
• Leeds Safeguarding Adult Partnership Support Unit
• Leeds Uniform Exchange
• Leeds Welfare Support Scheme
• Local Care Partnership (LCP) York Road
• Neighbourhood Policing Team
• Neighbourhood Networks
• NHS Charities Arts Project
• Old Fire Station - Gipton
• Peoples Health Trust
• Population Health Management (PHM)
• Samuel Grant Packaging
• Skippko Community Arts
• Stroke Association
• Temple Newsam Community Partnership
• Temple Newsam and Halton Community Tasking Group
• Temple Newsam House
• The HOPE Pub
• The Leeds Directory
• University of Leeds School of Medicine
• Volition
• Voluntary Action Leeds
• West Yorkshire Community Accounting Service (WYCAS)